The World WHS (World Handicap System), which is valid in Estonia statring 01.03.2020, has couple of changes compared to the former EGA HCP system. What a player would definitely need to know in a new situation: 

  • To receive a Handicap (HCPI), a player must join an EGL member club, which he/she designates as the home club, and who must ensure that the player’s HCP is administered in accordance with the rules. According to the WHS, a player can also own several home clubs if they are located in different countries.
  • General Play (old name EDS) rounds can be played on the courses located on the territory of Estonia 01.04 -31.10.
  • ATTENTION! From now on, you can only enter rounds in the GolfBox, which are either General Play rounds or rounds of competitions played outside Estonia.
  • General Play rounds must all be entered into the GolfBox before midnight for both the PCC (formerly CBA) count and the correct HCPI count for players to be assigned automatically by the system during the night. It is up to each player’s home club to decide how the results will be entered.
  • When a player / marker enters the General Play round himself both the player and the marker must confirm it before midnight. Using the GolfBox tool throughout the General Play round, it can be conveniently done by both parties right at the end of the round.
  • The PCC is calculated automatically during the night on all Estonian courses and the change is added to the player’s General Play round if necessary. When playing outside Estonia, if it is not possible to find out the PCC number of the course, the corresponding day, you must enter the PCC of 0 to the GolfBox.
  • The PCC is calculated automatically during the night on all Estonian courses and the change is added to the player’s General Play round if necessary. When playing outside Estonia, if it is not possible to find out the PCC number of the course, the corresponding day you must enter the PCC of 0 to the GolfBox. The PCC numbers of the courses of some countries can be found on this page.
  • When entering the results of a competition played in General Play or outside Estonia in the GolfBox yourself, the results must be entered hole by hole, as the handicap (HCPI) calculation is no longer based on points and you may not be able to calculate the adjusted gross result. By entering results hole by hole, the GolfBox will do the necessary calculations for you.
  • All Estonian courses are already in the GolfBox, General Play (and also the competition) can be played on foreign courses only if the course is rated and information (CR, SR, etc.) is available. Players can also enter this information into the GolfBox themselves, and at midnight the Estonian time zone applies.
  • In order to comply with the pre-registration requirement for the General Play round, it is sufficient to notify the subscriber before the round. The subscriber may be a person who holds a valid HCP license issued by EGL.

The basic responsibilities of the player have not changed in the case of a competition or a General Play round and we will remind you of them here as well. Players are expected to:

  • Act honestly by following the rules of the handicap and refrain from manipulating the rules in order to gain an unfair advantage from the rules
  • Every hole must be a try to achieve the best possible score
  • Submit your scorecards (including electronic) as soon as possible after the round and the result must reach the system before midnight
  • The relevant scores provided should reflect the players real playing skills
  • Play by the rules of golf
  • Confirm co-player results.

As the holder of an EGL HCP license and / or a member of a member club of the Estonian Golf Association, the rules of Fair Sports also apply to you. You can find more information here.

For license holders, the license also comes with golf insurance.




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National Golf Team Supporters Club

Ain Hanschmidt, Anders Anderson, Marko Kriibi, Martin Otsa, Oma Grupp OÜ, Priit Alamäe, Raul Kirjanen, Sulev Kodu, Toomas Laan, Toomas Linamäe, Viljar Arakas


Tondi 84/3, Tallinn 11316
E-mail: info@golf.ee
