Golf insurance

Insurance for members of Estonian Golf Association 01.04.2024-31.03.2025

Liability insurance for members of the Estonian Golf Association has been renewed and is insured by Salva Kindlustuse AS.

All members of an Estonian Golf Association licence will have valid insurance cover, which will help them to cope with some of the unforeseen events of golf. The insurance cover is valid only if the member has paid the membership fee of their home club. By paying your home club’s membership fee for this year, you will have valid cover until the end of March next year. Incidents occurring while playing golf on official golf courses (except USA and Canada) are covered.

To get hole-in-one cover, you need to register HERE (only in Estonian at the moment).

Insurance applies:

  • involuntary personal injury (bodily injury, damage to health, death) to a third party (including another EGL member);
  • involuntary damage (direct proprietary damage) caused to third parties (including other EGL member);
  • Personal injury to a member of the EGL by a third party (a player who is not a member of EGL).

Insurance cover does not apply to professional golfers.

Limits of Compensation:

  • Personal injury caused to a third person 100 000 €
  • Damage to property caused to a third person 50 000 €
  • Damage caused to an insured person 15 000 €
  • Deductible 50 €

To get compensation:

  • the insurer must be informed as soon as possible, but not later than one week after becoming aware of the insured event;
  • it is important that the situation is recorded and documented as accurately as possible after the accident (including photos, contact details of the victim, explanatory letters, etc.);
  • in the case of witnesses, it is necessary to have their data and, if possible, written statements;
  • in case of bodily injury, submit a medical certificate, confirmation of injuries, medical expenses and in addition a police report on the occurrence of the injury;
  • forward the materials to:
  • the insurer has the right to request additional documents supporting the claim.

In case you would like to have personal insurance certificate, please send your contact details to

See also 


Main sponsors


Cooperation partners

Media partners

Youth golf supporters

National Golf Team Supporters Club

Ain Hanschmidt, Anders Anderson, Marko Kriibi, Martin Otsa, Oma Grupp OÜ, Priit Alamäe, Raul Kirjanen, Sulev Kodu, Toomas Laan, Toomas Linamäe, Viljar Arakas

Tondi 84/3, Tallinn 11316
