About us

Estonian Golf Association’s aim is to:

  • promote golf in Estonia (raising the level of competitive and public sport)
  • promote healthy lifestyle and to expand golf on national level
  • offer assistance to stakeholdes and shareholders connected to golf
  • create affordable conditions for exercising and leisure time for a non-profit purposes.

Estonian Golf Association collaborates with other Estonian golf clubs, but also stands for other people and organisations, who are involved with golf.

Estonian Golf Association is part of Estonian Olympic Committee and represents Estonia in European Golf Associtaion (EGA), International Golf  Federation (IGF) and R&A. Estonian Golf Association is responsible for following the requirements in EGA handicap (HCP) and USGA Course Rating (CR) in Estonia. Estonian Golf Association frequently cooperates with Estonian PGA, Estonian Golf Referees Assemblage, Estonian Golf Courses Association and several other institutions connected to golf.

Estonian Golf Association organizes various tournaments throughout the season. 


Main sponsors


Cooperation partners

Media partners

Youth golf supporters

National Golf Team Supporters Club

Ain Hanschmidt, Anders Anderson, Marko Kriibi, Martin Otsa, Oma Grupp OÜ, Priit Alamäe, Raul Kirjanen, Sulev Kodu, Toomas Laan, Toomas Linamäe, Viljar Arakas


Tondi 84/3, Tallinn 11316
E-mail: info@golf.ee
