European Championship semi-final match abandoned due to thunderstorms and torrential rain

Foto: EGL

The Estonian team’s semi-final match against Sweden at the European Team Golf Championships in Italy, which has reached a historic distance, was abandoned on Friday after a 1-1 draw due to thunderstorms and torrential rain, and will continue on Saturday morning at 9:00.

In the morning foursomes match we managed to finish the game with a draw but had to pull off another miracle. Mattias Varjun/Richard Teder had just absorbed a 3&2 loss when the pair Markus Varjun/Kevin Christopher Jegers had three racks to go and were unfortunately three racks down. However, they managed to win all three of the last three holes to take the match into extra time, and although Markus Varjun hit a relatively poor iron-2 shot to the middle of the fairway, we had 167 yards to go and their opponent essentially half that. However, Kevin Christopher Jegers managed to hit his best iron shot of the day with a 7 iron, very close to the flag and I don’t know if this affected the opponents or not, but they hit a wedge shot over the green into the bunker from about half the distance. Still, the Swedes made a very difficult bunker shot brilliantly and the chance was real for them to come up with a par, which would put our putting skills into play. Luckily for us, at that point they missed a few metre putt and we got one point and tied the match at 1-1.

In the second half of the day’s matches, we managed to play off 3-6 holes. Unfortunately, heavy rain and thunderstorms interrupted the match for good that day. Current state of the matches.

Markus Varjun vs Simon Hovdal viik (6. track played)

Richard Teder vs Daniel Svard 1UP (5. track played)

Ralf Johan Kivi vs Jakob Melin 2DN (5. border on the griin)

Mattias Varjun vs Algot Kleen viik (4. track played)

Carl Hellat vs Albert Hansson viik (4. raja griinil)

So it’s all very much on the line and it’s going to be a tough battle.

The afternoon medal matches were reduced to 1 foursome and 4 individual matches.